Beijing: Promote the development and application of digital therapy, AI-assisted treatment and other products, and support the development and implementation of large medical models

BeijingThe General Office of the Municipal People's Government today issued the Beijing Action Plan for Accelerating Collaborative Innovation in Medicine and Health (2024-2026), mentioning a range of AI technologies, big models, and arithmetic power.

Summarize some of the key tasks:

Implementing medical big data sharing and application. Build a citywide shared electronic medical record system for outpatient emergency, hospitalization, physical examination and research. Promoting the sharing of standardized and informatized clinical research data, and clarifying data desensitization standards.Open up data links between hospitals. Promote the interconnection and mutual recognition of test results and medical images in the city's tertiary hospitals. Promote hospitals to carry out the registration, evaluation and circulation of medical big data, and expand the application in the innovative research and development end.

Promote the use of digital management of clinical samples.Establishment of a clinical sample sharing information system and resource quality evaluation system that is open to the whole city and fully protects privacyTo promote the digital conversion of some samples that are urgently needed by the industry and are collected and stored in a standardized manner, so as to improve the overall utilization efficiency of clinical sample resources. Improve the application of clinical samples in the research of new technologies and methods of diagnosis and treatment, and the research and development of new drugs.

Promote secure cross-border flow of medical data.Establishing a communication mechanism for the approval of cross-border flow of data, strengthening services such as data exit security assessment, filing of standard contracts for personal information exit, etc., so as to ensure data exit compliance.. Relying on the city's Collaborative Innovation Center for Data Cross-border Security and Industrial Development and the Public Service Platform for Data Security and Governance, it has strengthened the risk study and compliance guidance on data exit for pharmacovigilance and other business management scenarios.

accelerate efforts toMedical Modelas represented by artificial intelligence technology to empower industrial development.Supporting the development and application of medical grand models, promoting the R&D and application of digital therapies, artificial intelligence-assisted treatments and other products, and promoting artificial intelligence technology to empower the research and development of new drugs.. Accelerating the construction of data bases for medical care, medical insurance, and drug supervision, fine-tuning data cleansing and governance, and promoting data circulation. Guide arithmetic enterprises to increase support for AI medical care and explore the configuration and construction of a trusted computing environment.

Beijing: Promote the development and application of digital therapy, AI-assisted treatment and other products, and support the development and implementation of large medical models

Image source: Pexels

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