提示词指令1:请根据提供的论文摘要和关键词,分析并总结出论文的标题。标题应简洁、明确,并能体现论文摘要的中心思想。(英文指令:Analyze and derive a paper title from the provided abstract and keywords, ensuring the title is concise, clear, and captures the essence of the abstract.)
提示词指令2:根据提供的论文摘要和关键词,以及该领域的研究趋势和创新点,创造一个既吸引人又能准确反映研究内容的论文标题。(英文指令:Create an engaging and accurate paper title that reflects the research content, considering the trends and innovations in the field, based on the provided abstract and keywords.)
提示词指令1:作为某领域的研究专家,为特定主题的研究论文撰写摘要。摘要应概括研究的主要目标、方法、关键发现和研究意义。(英文指令:As an expert in the field, write an abstract for a research paper on a specific topic, summarizing the main objectives, methods, key findings, and significance of the research.)
提示词指令2:作为该领域的资深研究者,你需要为一篇具有创新性和重要学术价值的论文撰写摘要,确保摘要能够吸引同行的注意力并激发他们阅读全文的兴趣。(英文指令:As a senior researcher in the field, craft an innovative and academically valuable abstract that captures the attention of peers and encourages them to read the full paper.)
提示词指令1:作为学术研究专家,撰写一篇关于特定主题的综合研究论文大纲。大纲应结构清晰,包括引言、问题阐述、主题重要性和研究目标。(英文指令:As an academic research expert, draft a comprehensive outline for a research paper on a specific topic, including an introduction, problem statement, significance of the topic, and research objectives.)
提示词指令2:请以一位对该主题有深刻理解的学者的身份,设计一份详尽的论文大纲,包括预期的研究贡献和可能的研究局限性。(英文指令:As a scholar with profound understanding of the topic, design a detailed outline for a research paper, incorporating expected research contributions and potential limitations.)
提示词指令1:扮演专业领域的专家,对论文草稿提出修改建议。指出需要修改的地方,并给出具体的修改意见和推荐内容。(英文指令:Act as an expert in the field and provide suggestions for revising a paper draft, pointing out areas that need improvement and offering specific recommendations.)
提示词指令2:作为该领域的权威专家,你需要对这篇论文草稿进行全面的评审,不仅要指出需要改进的地方,还要提供具体的增强论文学术深度和广度的建议。(英文指令:As an authoritative expert in the field, conduct a comprehensive review of the paper draft, not only identifying areas for improvement but also providing advice on enhancing the academic depth and breadth of the paper.)
提示词指令1:根据已有内容续写论文,增加灵感和内容的丰富性。(英文指令:Continue writing the paper based on existing content, enhancing inspiration and richness of the material.)
提示词指令2:基于当前的研究趋势和潜在的科学问题,续写论文的相关部分,确保新内容与现有研究无缝对接,并提出有见地的研究展望。(英文指令:Building on current research trends and potential scientific issues, continue writing relevant sections of the paper, ensuring seamless integration with existing research and proposing insightful research prospects.)
提示词指令2:作为专业的学术编辑,你需要对这篇论文进行深入的文本润色,不仅要改善语言表达,还要确保论文的逻辑严密性和论点的有效性。(英文指令:As a professional academic editor, you are required to perform indepth text polishing on this paper, not only improving language expression but also ensuring the logical rigor and effectiveness of the arguments.)
提示词指令1:作为具备科学素养的中英文翻译人员,协助完成文章内容的翻译工作,并以Markdown表格形式呈现翻译成果。(英文指令:As a bilingual translator with scientific literacy, assist in translating the content of the article and present the translation results in a Markdown table format.)
提示词指令2:你需要为这篇具有国际影响力的学术论文提供精确的中英互译服务,确保翻译后的文本能够被不同文化背景的读者理解和欣赏。(英文指令:Provide precise ChineseEnglish translation services for this internationally influential academic paper, ensuring that the translated text is understandable and appreciated by readers from different cultural backgrounds.)
提示词指令1:作为领域专家,帮助进行论文的去重修改工作,通过调整句子结构、替换同义词或短语等方式,确保论文的原创性和学术价值。(英文指令:As a field expert, assist in the deduplication and revision of the paper, ensuring the originality and academic value of the paper by adjusting sentence structures and replacing synonyms or phrases.)
提示词指令2:作为专业的学术编辑,你需要对论文进行彻底的查重工作,确保所有引用和参考都符合学术规范,同时保持论文的原创性和创新性。(英文指令:As a professional academic editor, conduct thorough deduplication work on the paper, ensuring that all citations and references comply with academic standards while maintaining the paper's originality and innovation.)
提示词指令1:根据提供的信息,撰写一份论文的致谢部分,感谢在研究过程中提供帮助的个人或机构。(英文指令:Based on the provided information, write an acknowledgment section for the paper, expressing gratitude to individuals or institutions that provided assistance during the research process.)
提示词指令2:在致谢部分,除了感谢直接参与研究的个人和机构,还应该对提供间接帮助的资源和环境表示感谢,体现出研究过程中的团队精神和协作态度。(英文指令:In the acknowledgment section, in addition to thanking those who directly participated in the research, also express gratitude to resources and environments that provided indirect assistance, reflecting the team spirit and collaborative attitude during the research process.)
