Flux AI绘画大模型,新手也能打造日常随拍风格真人AI形象




  • LiblibAI:https://www.liblib.art/modelinfo
  • /f32569f1880942649ba976d08ba7cdaa



Flux【基础篇】:ComfyUI Flux.1工作流的本地部署安装教程



Flux AI绘画大模型,新手也能打造日常随拍风格真人AI形象

1. 音乐会现场

Prompt: The picture shows two girls, possibly a pair of best friends, in a lively and lively atmosphere, similar to a live concert or event. The characters wear fashionable and trendy clothing, with one person wearing black and white, creatively designed and styled patterns, and the other person wearing fashionable black lighting. The surrounding environment is decorated with numerous lights and laser beams, creating a charming and dynamic background. The lighting and dynamic lighting effects in the background add to the overall impression of the scene as a dynamic and energetic environment, capturing the essence of high-energy, live activities.


Flux AI绘画大模型,新手也能打造日常随拍风格真人AI形象

2. 户外沙滩

  • Prompt: A high angle shot captures the essence of happiness on the face of a Chinese beauty wearing a white Rabbit Set, as she enjoys a glass of orange juice at an outdoor comic exhibition, the beach location bathed in the bright lighting of the daytime
  • 提示词:一个高角度的镜头捕捉到了一个穿着白兔套装的中国美女脸上幸福的本质,她在户外漫画展览中享受着一杯橙汁,海滩的位置沐浴在白天的明亮灯光中

Flux AI绘画大模型,新手也能打造日常随拍风格真人AI形象

 3. 地铁自拍

  • Prompt:A fashionable super beautiful girl with a sleek, urban look, dressed in a sleek leather jacket and jeans, takes a selfie in a subway car, her hand holding a designer clutch, the subway's rhythmic motion adding a dynamic element to the scene, as the city lights streak by outside
  • 提示词:一个时髦的超级美女,穿着时髦的皮夹克和牛仔裤,时髦的都市风格,在地铁车厢里自拍,她的手拿着一个设计师的手包,地铁有节奏的运动为场景增添了动感元素,城市的灯光从外面闪过

Flux AI绘画大模型,新手也能打造日常随拍风格真人AI形象

4. 城市街道

  • Prompt: A super beautiful girl with an air of mystery, dressed in a form-fitting, emerald green dress, stands on an empty street in a futuristic city.  The buildings around her are made of glass and steel, reflecting the vibrant colors of the digital billboards that line the street, as a holographic advertisement flickers in the distance
  • 提示词:一个超级美丽的女孩,带着神秘的气息,穿着合身的翠绿色连衣裙,站在未来城市的空旷街道上。她周围的建筑是由玻璃和钢铁制成的,反映了街道两旁数字广告牌的鲜艳色彩,就像远处闪烁的全息广告一样

Flux AI绘画大模型,新手也能打造日常随拍风格真人AI形象

5. 敞篷跑车

  • Prompt:A super beautiful  girl in a chic, wide-brimmed hat and a fitted, lace top lounges on the seat of a convertible sports car, her legs crossed in a relaxed pose, as the car speeds along a coastal highway, the sea breeze playing with her hair
  • 提示词:一个超级漂亮的女孩,戴着时髦的宽边帽,穿着合身的蕾丝上衣,坐在一辆敞篷跑车的座位上,她双腿交叉,摆出一种放松的姿势,汽车在沿海的高速公路上疾驰,海风吹拂着她的头发

Flux AI绘画大模型,新手也能打造日常随拍风格真人AI形象

6. 宿舍自拍

  • Prompt:In the casual setting of a dorm room, a super beautiful girl with a confident gaze, dressed in a casual yet sexy outfit, takes a selfie that captures her playful side, the cluttered desk and wall art giving a sense of her personality
  • 提示词:在一个随意的宿舍里,一个超级漂亮的女孩,穿着随意而性感的衣服,带着自信的目光,自拍捕捉了她顽皮的一面,杂乱的桌子和墙上的艺术给了她个性的感觉

Flux AI绘画大模型,新手也能打造日常随拍风格真人AI形象

7. 浴室

  • Prompt:A beautiful woman with a tranquil expression, her skin aglow, lies in a modern, freestanding bathtub, a cascade of pink and white roses adorning the rim, their sweet scent filling the bathroom
  • 提示词:一个超级美丽的女孩,表情平静,皮肤容光焕发,躺在一个现代的独立式浴缸里,粉红色和白色的玫瑰点缀着浴缸的边缘,浴室里弥漫着玫瑰的芬芳

Flux AI绘画大模型,新手也能打造日常随拍风格真人AI形象

8. 草地上

Prompt:A super beautiful girl is lying on the soft grass, surrounded by wildflowers swaying gently in the wind. She was wearing a simple white T-shirt and blue denim shorts, with a pair of retro sunglasses on her face and hands resting behind her head, enjoying the warmth of the sun. The sky is deep blue, with a few white clouds drifting leisurely. The sunlight shines through the clouds and falls on the girl, creating mottled light and shadow.


Flux AI绘画大模型,新手也能打造日常随拍风格真人AI形象





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